An animal mating software platform that is targeted at animal performance recording schemes. It is designed to integrate with existing database structures to deliver accurate mating decisions to their breeders.

Find Out More

How does it work?

ORDA's objective is to increase the genetic variation and genetic merit of any population by means of selection and mating. The programme finds the best match between potential sires and dams that will produce offspring with greater genetic diversity and breeding worth.

What does it offer?

Web Based

Predefined and custom user interfaces to match any need.

SQL Integration

Backend integration into existing database structures.


Mating quality analysis reports and mating lists in PDF and CSV format.


Utilises complete pedigrees and BLUP breeding values.


Breed Societies

Predetermine the quality of import sires on the female population.

Semen Distributors

Determine semen price-scale based on quality of matings.

Recording Schemes

Monitor genetic diversity and gene frequencies of entire populations


Ideal matings that will increase the genetic diversity and merit of their herds.

Contact Us

ORDA is based in South Africa and Scotland.

ORDA is the trading name for ORDA LIVESTOCK GENETICS (PTY) LTD (2016/219049/07).

DIRECTORS Werner Brand & Pierre van Rooyen (Phd).

+27 (0) 51 410 0900

+44 (0) 74 1469 2592